Listed by Christina Postera of Brick & Mortar
The dream made reality begins with a 2,000 sq. ft. greenhouse on a 12+ acre property, on a hill with sweeping vistas of Mt. Monadnock and the rolling hill below. The day starts in the east-facing sunroom, where morning light pours through a wall of windows. This four-bedroom house has been lovingly updated in every way: electric, plumbing, hot water heater, chimneys, storm windows, gutters, mini-split system, a new wood stove, and 42 solar panels. Timeless charm graces every corner, with original woodwork, hardwood floors, and period wallpaper harmoniously blending with modern updates in the kitchen and two bathrooms. The old meets the new in the most aesthetically pleasing manner. The walkout basement boasts a root cellar, ample storage, and a ground-level workspace. The steel-framed greenhouse, once used by a local florist, stands resilient against time. Town water and sewer service the property, and a newly dug well caters to any agricultural needs. Easy commute on Rte 2

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