Listed by Jeffrey M. Burack of Cornerstone Realty,LLC
Happy New Year! Is your new years resolution a new house in 2025? Look no further than this completely renovated turn key ranch in East Forest Park. Enter the house into the remodeled kitchen that has hardwood floors, upgraded cabinets with under cabinet lighting, granite countertops, and all the appliances are included. Then you'll pass by the bathroom that has an updated tub, vanity with granite top, toilet, and tile floor. The two bedrooms and living room round out the first floor and those were updated as well. Returning to the side entrance you find the basement access that had the walls and floor painted, a forced hot air / central air unit, newer electric hot water tank, and washer/dryer hookups with appliances included. The basement also features an updated half bath. The exterior features include vinyl siding, insulated doors, replacement windows, and a newer roof. The backyard was cleared leveled top-dressed and reseeded. Make your resolution a reality today!

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Property Details of 78 Gilman Street, East Forest Park

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