Listed by Sarah Carter of Century 21 North East

Listing Sold by Keller Williams Pinnacle Central
Move right in! Must see, very cute 3 bedroom cape. Just 10 mins to Rt. 395, 20 mins to MA Pike. Convenient 1 Level living. The first floor offers a kitchen, pantry, living room, main bedroom, full bathroom and stackable laundry. Brand new stainless steel appliances in the kitchen. The pantry has lots of shelving for extra storage and a nice cedar coat closet. Some rooms have brand new luxury vinyl flooring. The 2nd floor offers two more bedrooms and a half bath. This home has replacement windows throughout. A stream and conservation land behind the property. There is a side yard that is easy to maintain and a nice deck to enjoy the outdoors. There is a full, unfinished basement, and a detached, usable garage with electricity and a workshop area. Low taxes for affordability! Brand new septic just installed. Dudley beach for summer fun. Close to Nichols College. Residents can attend Shepherd Hill, Bay Path Vocational HS, Dudley-Charlton District.

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