Listed by Marianne Belanger of RE/MAX Vision
FIRE DAMAGED HOME - Investor opportunity! CASH BUYERS only. The fire started in the hallway & spread up the stairs. It was contained by the fire dept. There is soot, smoke & water damage. The property is boarded up & the utilities are shut off. This 1,746-sf Colonial offers 5 bedrooms & 2 baths on a 1/4-acre lot. 4 mini splits provide both the heat & cooling. The 4 compressors & 2 of the mini splits seem to be ok. Much of the plumbing had been updated & a 200-amp electric panel was installed in addition to a Gas HW Tank, prior to the fire. The house has a slate roof, vinyl siding & a detached 2 car garage. The lot frontage is non-conforming, which is typical for the area. It is grandfathered & can be rebuilt to its current density in accordance with MA General Laws. Property to be sold AS-IS with all contents & debris to remain. An abatement on 1/31/24 reduced the assessment to $147,600 & the taxes to $2212.52. Seller can close quickly.

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