Listed by Karynsue Marchione-Reilly of Park Place Realty Enterprises
Investors builders and Contractors!! Total gut needs complete renovations inside! Kitchen, living room and bedroom with a bath. Nice lot, yard is spacious for a mobile home with a shed.Property is an investors dream! Can be real nice!! Overlooking Lake Quinsigamond in the Edgemere Mobile Home Park Community. Having direct access to the lake you can enjoy plenty of activities to enjoy such as Kayaking, Canoeing & fishing. Enjoy serenity right outside your door, amazing sunsets and moon sets. Mobile. This is a perfect opportunity to downsize to a more affordable cost of living. Great Central location Mobile Park is on lake Quinsigamond near Lake Ave & Rte 20 with access to all major routes, 190, 290, 395,146, Mass Pike Worcester/ Shrewsbury line, Across from Market Basket at light. Public transportation, Train Station, U-mass and the beach and White City Shopping Plaza. Condo Alternative. EDGEMERE MOBILE HOME PARK

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Property Details of 151 Hartford Turnpike, Unit 40, Edgemere

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