Listed by Laurie Crawford of Son Rise Real Estate,Inc.

Listing Sold by Property Investors & Advisors, LLC
Welcome Home! That is what you will say when you see this charming ranch. 1st time on the market is this beautifully maintained home. Located in a desirable West side neighborhood. Large living room with a great eat in kitchen offer a great space for entertaining family and friends. 3 good sized bedrooms all with beautiful hard wood floors. There is also hardwood in hall wall and under living room carpet. This one owner home has been loved. Large basement offers great storage space or other great possibilities. Quaint yard has patio areas, shed and plenty of room to garden and entertain. Plenty of parking in large driveway and awesome carport Nice walking neighborhood and close to all major routes and shopping. This location is a commuters dream. Close to everything yet tucked in on a little side street. Donā€™t miss this one. It wonā€™t be on the market long. Call to schedule your showing today.

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