Listed by Thomas Avezzie of Dot Lortie Realty / Landmark

Listing Sold by Real Broker MA, LLC
Updated and well maintained manufactured home (41 Ft long X 12 ft wide) Set on a Concrete Pad and with gable asphalt shingled roof. Living room and kitchen have a nice open floor plan . The kitchen is complete with a dining cabinet/formica top. Stools to remain, . Freshly decorated inside and out. Lots of new flooring, the bathroom has new shower doors and laundry closet. All appliances,:including; kitchen range, microwave and stand, refrigerator, washer, dryer and window air conditioner are to be left for the buyer's enjoyment. Paved Driveway and Storage Shed. Hurricane Setup - anchored to a concrete pad. This park is under rent control. Park Owner pays* all real estate taxes, water & sewer bills, and pays for trash removal (dumpsters)". Lot is Leased at $376 per month*.Sale is subject to BUYER(S) filling out an application and receiving park approval.Back on the MArket-Buyers financing was denied.

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Property Details of 93 Grochmal Avenue, Unit 102, Indian Orchard

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