Listed by Jean Doel of Jean Doel & Associates

Listing Sold by Coldwell Banker Realty - New England Home Office
Brand new and completely rebuilt from the foundation up! If privacy is what youā€™re looking for, this home is privately set and is the last house on a dead end street. Come see this lovely nine room, four bedroom ranch style home with finished basement. The main floor offers a large living room, kitchen with lots of cabinetry, a dining room, a tiled bathroom and 3 bedrooms. The basement offers a large family room, another large bedroom and a finished room that would make a nice study or home office. This home offers state of the art heating and central air, an air over heat pump hot water tank and a 200 amp electrical service. Seller is installing a white vinyl fence and landscaping is in the process of being completed!!

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Property Details of 33 Wakefield Street, Indian Orchard

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