Listed by Barbara Robinson of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Realty Professionals

Listing Sold by Executive Real Estate, Inc.
LOCATION, LOCATION!! Don't miss out on this first time offering, one owner home...Well located in one of Springfield's sought after areas and within walking distance to Veterans Golf Course, this charming 3 bedroom, newly sided ranch (May 2024) with great curb appeal, hardwood floors, central air (2017), 2 stone fireplaces, furnace (2017), sprinkler system (2021), open living room/dining room, nice columned entryway, tongue and groove paneled family room with fireplace and sliders with exterior access to large flagstone patio with lush landscaping, brand new gutters (June 2024), steel beam construction and great corner lot is a must see!! A PLEASURE TO SHOW...OPEN HOUSE Sunday June 23rd 12 to 2. Highest and best... Offer Deadline is Tuesday 6/25 at 12 noon.

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Property Details of 44 Squire Lane

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