Listed by Vitello Real Estate Associates of Rickman Realty,Inc.

Listing Sold by Rickman Realty, Inc.
**Accepting Back-Up Offers** Rare opportunity to own a prime piece of real estate!! Mixed use property with a residential home, detached 2 car garage, 1 acre of land and Commercial space perfect for an office or small business, or even turn it in to a **in-law suite** or apartment for extra income! The home has been lovingly maintained and updated through the years. It boasts **beautiful hardwood floors** and detailed woodwork throughout. First floor offers an **open kitchen and dining room**, half bath, cozy living room with **gas fireplace**and french doors leading to a **4-season sun porch**. Upstairs you will find 3 bedrooms, a **full bath** and **laundry room**! The wide stair cased attic is just waiting to be finished or offers perfect easy access storage. Commercial Space info see MLS# 72695671

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Property Details of 117 Worcester Street

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