Listed by Bella Fox of Coldwell Banker Realty - Worcester

Listing Sold by Keller Williams Pinnacle Central
Great opportunity - First time on the market in 40 plus years. This family owned and loved - 4 unit multi family mixed use property in a prime area ! 5 Garage spaces and large parking lot holding space for 9-10cars. Bonus income maker for sure! Three floors with 6 rooms and one bath each. Current business exists in fourth unit . Home is now (Rented out to family members at this time) Rents are below market values- Fair market rents could bring $2,000 to $2,500 or more monthly. Shopping, some of the best restaurants on Shrewsbury St. close by. Hospitals, Polar Park, and access to all routes are accessible. Appliances on first to include-washer, dryer, refrigerator, kitchen gas stove, parlor stove. Second floor all appliances to stay. Third floor dishwasher ,kitchen gas stove and parlor stove . Being sold as is!

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Property Details of 274 Plantation Street, East Worcester

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